Acupuncture Console Laser System
Used for Pain Relief as well as for Smoking Cessation and other Addiction Programs
The MedX Acupuncture Console Laser System has a unique, interchangeable Light Guide to deliver accurate laser stimulation for auricular and body acupuncture. The tapered, rounded tip allows for precision treatment of small points within the ear lobe and on the body, yet ensures patient comfort. The compact MedX Console controls & powers the 808nm, 150mW laser probe and 2 SLD clusters for a larger treatment area. All three (Acupuncture Laser Probe & 2 SLD Clusters) can be operated at the same time. It is easy to use – built-in guidelines prompt you through decisions related to selection of parameters, then automatically calculate and display treatment times. Alternatively, if the treatment parameters are known, the manual mode allows for quick, easy setup. Three accessory ports provide the flexibility to use any combination of accessories while multiple sites are treated with either continuous or pulsed mode.
The unit includes a comprehensive guide for smoking and addiction cessation as well as protocols for tissue injury. A veterinary guide is also available upon request.